Start Here: Blog Purpose & Worldview

Purpose Logos is the Greek word for logic but has had many different meanings at different points in history.  In the bible, the Christians referred to Logos as the word of God and from which all things were made. Aristotle recognized Logos at reasoned discourse, the logic behind an argument.  The Stoic philosophers interpreted Logos […]

A Fable on Cheating Time: Zombies, Unicorns, & The Tortoise

This story was originally posted by the Mises Institute Dusty Wunderlich  |  Published March 3, 2024 There is a grand economic fable that has been unfolding over the past two decades, one filled with mythical creatures and great fantasy. The main character of this fable is the grand wizard of the markets, The Federal Reserve.  Like […]

Give Me That: Entitlement Ethics and The Destruction of Private Property

The definition of entitlement is the belief that one is deserving of or entitled to certain special privileges or others property. Much of the narrative in modern Western culture centers around this definition in one way or another. Headlines are riddled with stories of entitlement and in many instances this behavior is being embraced. What […]

The Logical Fallacies of Centralized Economic Development

There are thousands of bureaucrats and politicians around the country that are touting their centralized economic development strategies as works of genius.  But when you look under the hood of what is actually being said and done there is significant logical fallacies behind these efforts.  The most common being circular reasoning and broken window fallacy […]