This story originally appeared in The Reno Gazette Journal Dusty Wunderlich | Published July 20, 2017 From a young age, we innately want to make our own choices. Even toddlers start to have their own preferences that are unique to their happiness. The ability to choose is such a paramount foundation for freedom that our […]
It’s Getting Harder to Afford to Live in Reno
This story originally appeared in the Reno Gazette Journal Dusty Wunderlich | Published February 23, 2017 There has been a lot of talk recently about our growth. Many economic development and political leaders champion the growth as a badge of honor, yet many are starting to change their narrative to managed growth. I hope there […]
Is The Millennial Socialist Confused?
I find it quite interesting that the Millennial generation has taken to Socialism and largely the biggest supporter of the Socialist Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders. I find their actions and consumer behaviors indicate the exact opposite of the economic and political philosophies of Socialism. However, when looked at objectively there really is not irony in […]
Why Crossfit Needs Consolidation For Long Term Sustainability
The Growth Story The Founder of Crossfit, Greg Glassman, is a free market thinking Libertarian which I relate to and respect. While looking at Crossfit you have to accredit this thinking for the rapid growth of this grassroots fitness movement. In lieu of control, Glassman let the market dictate the growth, saturation and quality by […]
Separation of Economy and State Part Three: Solutions “Not” Problems
The difference between forward thinkers and those that want to keep the status quo is in their delivery. Those who want to move society forward focus on solutions that will drive innovation and creation. Those less confident in their abilities to innovate and create focus on the problems at hand in lieu of solutions in […]